[2.0] Kinetic Blast Wander | Physical and Elemental | HC Viable [BOTW S4E6]

MonkeyDRaphy wrote:
hi, there im not that experienced with the game unfortunatly, i started your build as ranger

and u said at level 30 i can use twyzel with kb lmp and fa ye?

but im only on 59 intelligence and i need 119? did i do something wrong ?

best regards

You will need to find some on gear - you can grab the thief's craft node on the way for an extra 30 int (And respec out later). You should be able to craft some int fairly cheaply on your gear with masters if you can't find/buy any.
I had the same problem but it's not really a problem to be honest. I just waited for a couple of levels till I got some +10 int nodes. Not a biggie :)

Another easy option is to get an int amulet :)

"Wealth in a game is measured by the amount of fun, joy and entertainment you can get out of it".
thanks for your reply guys, appreciate it!

currently level 56 now, not having any problems so far. Nice build thanks alot :)
how about a wand like this? (uncorrupted)

That's what you use to lvl up your character playing KB
Later in the game you can start using better wands.
Also even the best phys wand in the game Foe Bite is drastically surpassed by using a slight variation to the build/gear with COE, hybrid wand ( like Woe Bite ), spell damage amulet and shield.
No exaggeration the DPS pretty much will double!
Kenz0 wrote:
That's what you use to lvl up your character playing KB
Later in the game you can start using better wands.
Also even the best phys wand in the game Foe Bite is drastically surpassed by using a slight variation to the build/gear with COE, hybrid wand ( like Woe Bite ), spell damage amulet and shield.
No exaggeration the DPS pretty much will double!

Largely accurate, it of course depends on how much spell damage you stack(Which is quite easy), vs. how much increased damage you already have. In the OP's case, their passive tree's taking 273% increased damage.

Given you can with 1 passive point investment take the Spell Damage/Power Charge node, then get 70% spell damage on your weapon and shield, then another 20% from your amulet. That puts you at a pretty comfortable 184% increased spell damage with little investment. Which is actually effectively only a 67% more damage multiplier on the OP's build.

My tree takes a lot more crit and attack speed, so I've only got 218% increased damage from passives, which means that CoE's an effective 84% more damage multiplier for me. But either way, I'd agree, CoE's probably the BiS helmet for any wander, it's far more efficient to stack crit on the passive tree, than it is to do it with your helmet.

The only caveat about doing this, is you typically want to be a hybrid wander, as opposed to a purely physical one, partially because phys scaling on wands is terribly inefficient. But also because you'll just have less base physical damage to work with. A better explanation for why that is the case is copy/pasted below, which was written for a different build, that only took generic damage scaling nodes that work on both phys and ele damage(Which in my opinion is the best way to do it):

Hatred vs. Flat Damage Auras

In this case I'll be doing the math with Foe Bite, both with and without PPAD(PPAD also being a pretty poor choice for support gems, especially due to the less attack speed, and ease of 1 shotting things regardless of DPS)

Since almost all damage scaling on this build scales both ele and phys damage, I'll ignore increased modifiers, and mostly focus on WED and PPAD, since those are the significant ones.

I'll also be operating under the assumption that all gems are level 21, since if we're dealing with a Mirrored Wand, then you can afford to do that. At lower budget levels the numbers look even worse for Hatred, so I won't even mention them.

I'll also ignore flat damage on gear, I know you can roll 9-15 Physical Damage on rings, but you can also roll 7-72 Lightning Damage on rings, which is just way more, so looking at flat damage on gear does just make Hatred look worse, as opposed to better.

Now for the math:
Foe Bite deals 165-305 phys damage/hit | 235 average/hit
Wrath deals 17–267 lightning damage/hit | 142 average/hit
Hatred deals 36% of phys as extra cold
PPAD is 50% more phys and 10% less APS
WED is 60% more ele damage

Foe Bite + Hatred = 320 average damage (235 phys, 85 cold)
Foe Bite + Wrath = 377 average damage (235 phys, 142 light)

Foe Bite + Hatred + PPAD = 480 average damage (353 phys, 127 cold)
but at 10% less APS so 432 if compensating for speed
Foe Bite + Wrath + WED = 462 average damage (235 phys, 227 light)

Foe Bite + Hatred + PPAD + WED = 556 average damage (353 phys, 203 cold) 500 after compensating for APS
Foe Bite + Wrath + PPAD + WED = 580 average damage (353 phys, 227 light) 522 after compensating for APS

The numbers are a bit closer if you compare Hatred to Anger, since Wrath does more damage than either. But no matter how you go about it. Hatred just can't stack up in terms of DPS, it's a utility aura if you're rich enough to afford a mirrored wand, and even that's iffy.

That is an explanation on which aura is the best and why - yes Wrath will give more DPS than Hatred, although it will make you more susceptible to RIP on Elem reflect packs....
i am CI physical wander and i dont need life leech gem for mapping so i save 1 gem for more dps

i can get up to 260-270k DPS in solo with hatred+herald of thunder or almost 300k i think with herald of ash, i prefer herald of thunder beacuse im dual curse is better to curse the boss.
probably 400k dps with atziri promise and taste of hate which elemental cant use

with pierce i would probably do 210-220k unbuffed

in party, from 400k full buffed solo, probably 600k dps with all the auras and buffs and have to add 200% multiplier+10%flat crit chance from assassin's mark and poacher's mark too.
talking about standard of course, i dont think any wander with auras can pass 350k in party or 300k in solo

elemental wander is much more easier and cheaper to build than a physical wander
Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap#0055 on Sep 30, 2015, 1:32:11 AM
I am not sure how can you have 200K+ tooltip DPS - I dont think this is possible even with GG gear.
Kenz0 wrote:
I am not sure how can you have 200K+ tooltip DPS - I dont think this is possible even with GG gear.

The numbers did sounds pretty excessive when he said them, but looking at what I get if I do what I think he does(Which I'm assuming is no Pierce/Chain, although skipping that just seems like a dumb idea to me, and no Life Leech, like he says). Doing so, and using KB + GMP + WED + Added Lightning + Slower Proj + ICD gave me the following damage numbers(Normally, with sensible links I get about 70k with GMP+Chain+Leech, and 100k full buffed).

The above+Vaal Haste+Flasks
The above+Rallying Cry

So who knows, I guess it's possible, but given that I already 1 shot level 80 packs in a 6 man party with my 70k GMP+Chain DPS, I can't think of a single valid reason to ever push your DPS that high.

As for the gear I used to reach those numbers, my profile's public, it's the same gear I use on my Wander normally, only instead of my Coil I was using a Tabula.
Last edited by Shotgun_Surgeon#5561 on Sep 30, 2015, 7:22:24 PM

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